
第10回:『外国人から見た日本(東京) ~グローバルな考え方~ Global Mindset』


In this series of articles, we have looked at improving cross-cultural relations by examining differences in culture. As well as knowing these differences, it’s also important to establish a global mindset. A global mindset is the ability to recognize and adapt to different cultures. Here are two important tips for establishing a global mindset.

1. Keep an open mind.   先入観を持たない(広い心を持つ)

Sometimes, things that are considered polite or friendly in one country, may be considered rude in another country. That means etiquette and politeness can be subjective.

For example, I once knew someone from the UK who had recently moved to Japan. He told me he didn’t understand why Japanese people looked so angrily at him when he was just laughing and joking with his friend while he was on the train.

He didn’t realize that in Japan, it is considered rude to have loud conversations on the train, as it disturbs other people.

However, I also had a Japanese friend that lived in the UK that complained that some people in the U.K. were really noisy on the train. She thought people were being rude by having conversations, and in some cases, strangers trying to start conversations with her.

She didn’t realize that people in the UK typically like to have conversations on the train. It’s also not uncommon for strangers to start conversations with each other in public.

Both of my acquaintances would have had a much less stressful life if they had just considered that their way of doing something was not the only ‘correct’ way of doing it; it was just different.

If you encounter a tourist that is doing something that is not considered polite in Japan, be kind and explain to them the way it should generally be done in Japan. Try to avoid making value judgements about the other person’s actions or culture. Here are some good phrases to use in these situations.

Start the conversation with this phrase:

“Please don’t take this the wrong way.”

Next, tell them that the action is not appropriate:

“It’s generally not considered appropriate to talk loudly on the train here.”

Finally, make a suggestion based on how people usually act in Japan.

“It’s fine to talk quietly, though.”

2. Don’t jump to conclusions  早とちりをしないように

If a foreign person says something that seems strange, consider the possibility that it’s a language misunderstanding.

A few years ago, one of my friends from back in the U.K. visited me in Japan. I took her out with some of my Japanese friends to a restaurant in Tokyo. My friend from the U.K. was a big fan of anime, so was already familiar with some basic Japanese vocabulary. After a few drinks, she became a little more confident to try out her Japanese skills. She gestured to my Japanese female friend and exclaimed “kowai!” My Japanese friends were horrified and assumed that my friend was drunk and being mean. Knowing that she is always a friendly person, I immediately guessed that my friend was confusing the words “kowai” and “kawaii”.
数年前、イギリスの友人が私を訪ねて日本に来ました。日本人の友人と一緒に都内のレストランに彼女を連れて行きました。彼女はアニメの大ファンだったので、日本語の基本的な単語は割と知っていました。お酒が入ると、少し自信が出てきたのか、自分の日本語力を試そうとしました。彼女は、日本の友人女性に向かってジェスチャーをしながら大きな声で「kowai (コワイ)!」と言いました。日本人の友人はショックを受けて、イギリスの友人の酔いが回って意地悪なことを言っているのかと思いました。私は彼女が日頃から優しい人だとわかっていたので「kowai(こわい)」と「kawaii(かわいい)」を言い違えていることがすぐにわかりました。

To a non-Japanese speaker, those two words may sound or look similar. That’s because Japanese has different rules for pronunciation than other languages. It’s quite common for English speakers to confuse the words “kowai” and “kawaii” Thankfully, my Japanese friends were understanding after I explained the mistake, and we all had a good laugh about it.

If you are speaking with a foreign tourist and they say something that might not be correct, don’t jump to the conclusion that it was intentional. Instead, you can use one of the following phrases to ask for clarification.

“I think I may be misunderstanding.”

“What do you mean by that?”

“Could you clarify that?”

“I’m not sure I understand. Could you explain that in simper English, please?”

Hopefully these tips will ensure you leave the tourist with a great impression of Japan and its people.

イーオン講師 Chris